How Choosing Orange Safety Mod-XLPE Chemical Hose Can Improve Your Facility

How Choosing Orange Safety Mod-XLPE Chemical Hose Can Improve Your Facility

The chemical transfer hose marketplace covers a variety of liquid conveyance applications. In some segments users feel that many chemical hoses are the same and provide the same functionality. Often these users fail to fully maximize the value of their chemical transfer hoses by matching them to the most appropriate uses. Others view the various component options of chemical hose assemblies as a chance to align their use with the right tools and extract the highest value from their investment. Time and time again the Modified XLPE Orange Safety Chemical Hose Assembly has helped those customers gain better value out of their chemical hose program.

Versatile chemical hose is highly sought after by industrial buyers and end users. Since the Mod-XLPE tube is designed to transport the majority of chemicals with higher acidity or corrosive composition it has become an industry favorite for several of those applications. The Mod-XLPE hose tube with EPDM hose cover has long been a viable option for those who need a hose that can fulfill multiple applications across a large facility. The external durability, resistance to high temperatures, and relatively high levels of flexibility further contribute to its popularity. 

As the Mod-XLPE hose gained this popularity it frequently occupied many chemical processing facilities around the Country. Depending on application, the hose might be connected to transfer media from a tank or located out of the way behind chemical holding basins. However, as anyone who has seen a chemical plant knows, many times hose tubes line the floor of a facility or have a hose line running indoor/outdoor to make intermittent connections across the facility possible. The usual Mod-XLPE hose cover color of black could provide a safety concern as it frequently can blend in with the ground or surrounding environment. 

Since the chemical transfer hoses are used as components of larger chemical transfer ecosystem it was not uncommon for surrounding employees or machinery to miss seeing the hose tube and step on it, bump into it or even run over it with a vehicle. All of which could require the hose to have to be replaced or knocked out of the seal and cause a leak. By updating the Mod-XLPE hose’s color to a bright safety orange end users have been able to readily identify the location of the tube at their facility and through that awareness, avoid damage that otherwise might have occurred.  

Depending on the location of your transfer system’s connections and placement of the chemical hose tube at your facilities, orange chemical hose can even help align your facility with OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) or ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Safety Colors. 

As part of our services at Hose Fab Shop we offer an Onsite Safety, Reliability and Product Life Survey. Often the type of hose used and visual indicators like color play a huge role on our recommendations to get the most value out of a chemical transfer hose investment. If you think the Modified XLPE Orange Safety Chemical Hose might help you improve overall safety in your facility, please chat with one of our specialists >>



OSHA Color Coding and Signs
(29 CFR 1910.120; 1910.145; 1910.1200)

The intent of color coding in a safety design is not to make a subset of colors mandatory, but to recognize a standard color code wherever color coding is used. Be aware of your facility and the color coding system used.

These colors usually indicate the following:

Orange – marks the dangerous parts of machines or energized equipment which may cut, crush, shock or injure employees. Orange emphasizes these hazards when the guards or enclosures around them are open.

Red – indicates (1) danger, (2) stop or (3) presence of fire protection equipment.

Yellow – warns of physical hazards and means caution. A striped or checkered pattern of yellow and black may be used to help attract attention.

ANSI Safety Color Meanings
ANSI Z535.1 ANSI colors and their meanings:


Orange – The color orange is used to alert people of dangerous parts on a machine or piece of equipment. The danger could be from crushing, cutting, shocking or otherwise physically harming people or the facility. These warning postings are most used on labels applied to machinery but could also be used on signs and other objects.

Yellow – Anywhere that caution needs to be used, yellow should be the primary color on the signs or labels. Like OSHA, this includes risks of tripping, falling, getting burned, being caught in a pinch point, experiencing hearing damage, and almost any other common hazard that may be present.

Red – The color red is used on any safety signs, labels, or other objects to signify danger or to alert people that they need to stop.