Extending the Life of Chemical Hose Assemblies
Step one for long chemical hose life is to properly match the hose to the intended application. Most manufacturers will rate their hose compatibility with various chemicals using a Alpha rating system:
A rating- The chemical is expected to have minor or no effect on the hose liner, and the hose can be used for continuous service.
B rating- The chemical is expected to have some effect on the liner of the hose, but is suitable for intermittent use. The hose life will be affected to some degree.
X rating – This chemical should not be used with the hose
Selecting a hose with a “A” rating for the intended use is the clear solution. This practice will extend hose life, usually significantly, over a hose with a “B” rating.
Component Quality and Proper Assembly
Camlock quality varies by manufacturer. Poorly cast fittings with sharp edges and rough spots start to damage a new hose during assembly. These poor-quality couplings continuously wear on the hose liner during use and will eventually cause premature failure. We only use high quality couplings from manufacturers such as Dixon, Campbell Fitting, and PT Coupling.
Assembling a chemical hose properly requires special equipment and know how. Fitting insertion technique, wire grounding and ferrule selection are all key factors to producing as well made long life assembly. Our fully equipped shop and experienced techs insure high quality assemblies—we pay attention to the small details.
Proper Use Practices
Good operational practices at the user’s facility can be a major factor in hose life.
- Drips and leaks—the outer cover of a chemical hose will typically not be as chemically resistant as the interior liner. A hose that is laying in a pool of chemical is likely to have a reduced life.
- Be aware of exterior damage and abrasion. Remove hazards that might puncture or cut a hose. Where abrasion is a factor, we offer a variety of abrasion resistant coverings that can be applied to the hose when it is assembled, or after the fact.
- Repair broken fitting arms and leaky gaskets as soon as they are detected.
- When possible, drain and store hoses when not in use.